Peter's Journey of Love
You warned me, You told me, You knew what I would do.
My mind was confused, afraid, and even angry with You too.
After all, You're GOD, aren't You? I thought we'd nailed that one thing down.
But here You are..You don't look like God,
Being led to trial all bound!
I stepped in there and tried to help You out,
I mean, I didn't want to look like a fool!
I wanted to show them, I knew You were God,
I wanted You to prove that You rule!!
I just don't get You, I can't understand,
Speak up, for crying out loud!
You're embarrassing me and I don't want to admit
I even know You in front of this crowd.
They're pressing in on me
And You're not doing a thing,
Now it's both our necks on the line.
My head is spinning...... I hear a rooster crow....
And I've denied You now the third time.
Then my whole world fell apart in that moment
When I turned and looked up at You
Could You not have looked at me with anger or hurt
Or given an "evil eye"?
Instead, that look of deep kindness and love
Stabbed my heart and I wanted to die.
I ran from that place and cried like a child,
I can never face You again!
In a whirlwind of moments, I'd lost my God
And denied my very best friend.
The next few days were more than I could bear,
I felt like I was put through a sieve.
Every horrible emotion imaginable to man
Swept through me and there was no reprieve.
I'd been with You day after day for so long,
Where was I to go from here?
My heart cannot deny that I love You still,
Though with my lips I denied You out of fear.
I should have gone with You straight to that cross
And said, "If He dies, you take me first!"
But no! I let You go to death all alone,
I consider myself accursed!
Oh, Mary, Mary......Mary, say that again!
I'm not sure I heard you well!
His body is no longer in the tomb?
And who did the angel say to tell?
Surely, Mary, He didn't mention my name!
Oh, John! Come with me, we must find out!
So we ran to the tomb and I stepped inside
No body there, but still I had doubt.
And then, blessed Sovereign, You appeared to me
And later to the rest of the twelve.
And You opened our minds so we could finally understand
The plan You had executed so well.
It all began to make such sense
Why You had appeared so weak
Why You opened not Your mouth, Why they nailed You to a cross
Oh blessed Savior, You had taken on our defeat!
You didn't come into the world to manhandle humankind
Nor to judge the human race
But to give Your life as a ransom for them
And reveal Your willingness to take our place.
So that all through the ages
To all who believe
And are willing for their lives to be rearranged
You will take on their curses, their weakness, and their pain
And give them Your "perfection" in exchange!
Oh glorious, glorious mystery!
How can such things be?
And how can it be, sweet Jesus
That You desired to use even me?
Yet You told me that day
Before You went away
"Peter, won't you feed My sheep?"
And You gave to ME the keys to open the door
Of all Christendom to all who believe.
Oh blessed Rock of all ages,
How blessed indeed I have been
That You should make ME a picture for the world
Of my Rock, my Savior, my friend!
You asked me once if I loved You
with a love that would not fail.
I could not say so then
Because my weakness I knew so well.
Ask me once more now, my Sovereign
And I'll answer you now, not with pride
Oh yes, yes I love You Lord Jesus
And I spread out my arms and died.