As a new grandmother, I have been deeply pondering just what I desire to help instill in my posterity. I see it as such a high and holy calling to have the privilege of praying for my grandchild's life and future.
As I have pondered specific things to pray for her, I have made a list.
On my list is that I and her mommie and all other women who will be influential in her life would demonstrate what it means to be a big girl.
So...for myself, I have made a list of 100 "Big Girl Characteristics"; things I want to be very conscious about demonstrating before her little eyes.
May you, my sweet darling child be so privileged as to live among big girls whom you can emulate.
I love you! And my prayers for you will never cease!
100 Big Girl Characteristics
1.Big girls show kindness to all people; even extraordinary kindness to those who have been unkind to her or those that she loves.
2. Big girls are unassuming, never assigning feelings or motives to others that are mere speculation.
3. Big girls have little concern over being overlooked because they aren't living to be looked at!
4. Big girls practice self control.
5. Big girls don't slander.
6. Big girls don't gossip.
7. Big girls don't listen to gossip or slander and don't believe everything they hear.
8. Big girls aren't mean.
9. Big girls are not known as people who are hard or impossible to please.
10. Big girls don't think that somebody must be blamed for every problem.
11. Big girls know that if they want to be respected as a lady, they are going to have to act like a lady.
12. Big girls are not manipulators.
13. Big girls do not allow themselves to be used or manipulated. Without being unkind, they simply back away.
14. Big girls are not demanding, expecting people to jump at their every wish or request. They do not portray the attitude that they are the only one with a need.
15. Big girls go the extra mile.
16. Big girls know that nothing in the world came to us for free. If we have it, SOMEBODY worked for it.
17. Big girls say, "Thank you"!
18. Big girls leave a place better than they found it and people feeling better about themselves after having been in their presence.
19. Big girls still say "Yes, Ma'am" and "Yes Sir" to their Mama and Daddy.
20. Big girls never, ever, ever show disrespect to their parents or elders.
21. Big girls make their parents feel important, value their words, seek their advice, and recognize their contributions to themselves and others and ABSOLUTELY NEVER make them feel small in their own eyes or in others eyes.
22. Big girls take good care of all that has been entrusted to them.
23. Big girls try not to be a burden to others, but can humbly and gratefully accept help on occasions when it is needed.
24. Big girls know when and how to zip their lip; that if there is any question as to whether or not to speak, DON'T!
25. Big girls look for the good in others.
26. Big girls are modest and don't flaunt themselves.
27. Big girls prepare for the future and for their children's future.
28. Big girls are real and genuine.
29. Big girls ask questions and get their facts straight and don't mouth off about things they don't understand.
30. Big girls don't seek to look good by bragging on themselves nor by putting others down.
31. Big girls can be trusted with a secret.
32. Big girls do their good deeds privately if at all possible, never seeking recognition and accolades.
33. Big girls have the grace to overlook wrongs or insensitive actions, realizing that we're all just flawed human beings, including herself.
34. Big girls never make a public display of others shortcomings.
35. Big girls make room for others to be different than her and don't assume that differences make others wrong but rather make life more interesting.
36. Big girls cover flaws in others rather than exposing them.
37. Big girls protect whom and what they love; but they leave defending whom and what they love to God.
38. Big girls know how to be firm without being mean.
39. Big girls can laugh at themselves.
40. Big girls know their limits and do not carry guilt when they need to say, "No."
41. Big girls desire another's happiness and success even at the expense of some of their own.
42. Big girls live in the knowledge that they may not (and probably don't) know what it's like to live in another's skin and therefore give them every benefit of the doubt.
43. Big girls Never expect the world to be responsible for their messes or their happiness.
44. Big girls do not create drama or pull others into their problems.
45. Big girls talk to God about people, not to people about people.
46. Big girls live with the ever present knowledge that it is God's way to cause life to be doled out to us in the same way that we have doled it out to others and therefore they treat everyone as they want to be treated.
47. Big girls accept an apology graciously and gratefully, making it easy for others to apologize when necessary, remembering that the time will surely come when it is THEY who will have the difficult and humbling task of asking forgiveness.
48. Big girls don't make excuses.
49. Big girls are not lazy. They work hard.
50. Big girls know how to wait patiently.
51. Big girls think before they act or speak.
52. Big girls have goals.
53. Big girls Control their tongues!
54. Big girls don't whine and complain.
55. Big girls are not insensitive of others time by talking incessantly.
56. Big girls are honest and worthy of trust; beginning with being honest with themselves before God.
57. Big girls are more preoccupied with how "I" can improve than how someone else should improve.
58. Big girls aren't overly sensitive.
59. Big girls aren't easily offended.
60. Big girls are generous with compliments and encouraging words.
61. Big girls know how to share.
62. Big girls give credit where and when credit is due.
63. Big girls know when enough is enough and where to draw a line in the sand. They do not give away their dignity at the altar of abuse.
64. Big girls are not quitters.
65. Big girls do not "suck up" to people that they think they can gain some notoriety from. They treat all people the same.
66. Big girls value truth more than they value being popular. They don't fall for the lie that to teach truth is not loving.
67. Big girls look first and foremost to themselves when conflict arises and seek to know how they themselves can improve through the conflict.
69.Big girls are never too big or too old to seek advice and counsel from their Mama's or other older women.
70. Big girls cherish relationships and take more thought to what they can give than what they can get.
71. Big girls care more about others than about themselves.
72. Big girls seek God's agenda for their lives.
73. Big girls keep their priorities in order.
74. Big girls take responsibility seriously and are dependable.
75. Big girls listen well, both with their ears and with their eyes.
76. Big girls genuinely rejoice when others are praised or recognized.
77. Big girls are not jealous because another's happiness means every bit as much to them as their own.
78. Big girls are deeply appreciative of every kind thing another may do for them and gratitude is a defining characteristic of her life.
79. Big girls do not think that everything in life is about competition or about them.
80. Big girls know how to have fun responsibly.
81. Big girls have healthy self esteem because they know that people do not define them; God does.
82. Big girls are open and appreciative of constructive criticism when it is being offered from a heart that loves them and wants good things for them.
83. Big girls take a solid, unashamed stand for truth in the most loving way possible.
84. Big girls make wise choices, one day at a time.
85. Big girls don't use sarcasm or innuendos. They don't talk down at people.
86. Big girls are not perfect but they know how to say, "I'm sorry", and "I was wrong" and mean it.
87. Big girls are sensitive to the feelings of others.
88. Big girls would rather be known for their wisdom than for their position or social status.
89. Big girls do not solicit pity or indulge in self pity.
90. Big girls are courageous.
91. Big girls are confident.
92. Big girls need no ones approval but God's.
93. Big girls keep their promises.
94. Big girls allow their husbands to wear the britches.
95. Big girls are not bossy.
96. Big girls do not feel the need to avenge themselves but leave that responsibility to God.
97. Big girls never, ever, ever think they have reached a place of superiority in any area! They are always learning and improving.
98. Big girls are very much involved in the world while remaining distinctly separate.
99. Big girls do not have the "Superwoman Syndrome." They know how and when to rest.
100. Big girls know that it is impossible to truly be a big girl without the Spirit of the living God controlling their lives daily.
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