Bibby’s Blessings
Christmas 2018
My most beloved ones,
Being with our people...
Giving extravagantly...
Treasuring up precious moments in our hearts...
As I’ve busied myself around the kitchen all day long, listening to Christmas music and bossing your Dad around, I’ve been filled with so much love and anticipation of being with my treasures tomorrow...
And those thoughts led me to remember how God instructed Moses to build a tabernacle, just for the purpose of coming down to BE with His people...
And His eternal desire to give to those He loved....
To defy every law of the universe just to be with them.
And so He came...
In those days in the form of fire...
Hovering over the most holy place...
... the “Shekinah glory of God!”
For over 500 years, the pillar of cloud was there every day and a pillar of fire was there every night...
But the time came when that glory departed...
The people began to think they could just USE God for their own selfish purposes...
And honor him with lip service but not with their hearts.
Dad and I stood on the very ground where that tabernacle stood in Shiloh; on the ground where the shekinah glory hovered....
The place where Samuel heard God calling; the place where Ichabod was born (meaning, the glory has departed)
Later the flaming glory of God came to Solomon’s Temple...
Once more, the people’s hearts were divided.
The kingdom fell...
The glory never again to be seen...
One ordinary night...
“...the heavens exploded..
With music everywhere,
And the angels spilled over heaven’s edge
And filled the air....”
The fire of His presence; the Light of the World had returned!
And on the eighth day, the Glory of God once again...
entered the Temple...
In the arms of a virgin girl.
The sunshine of His Father’s life...
The light of the whole world...
With His people.
Unspeakable JOY will be felt in your homes tomorrow morning as you experience the joy of giving extravagantly!
Know as you put your sweet heads on your pillow tonight...
That YOU are the reason that the Light returned!!
To give to you and to your offspring...
A gift.
A very.
Eternal life...
With Him!
May your love for Him be more than a child’s love of Santa...
May it be fervent...
Extravagant ...
visible in all your actions;
may it be a flame within you that burns it’s way into your demeanor and shines there in such a way that none would ever doubt where your allegiance is!
May the fire of your love for Him reach into your babies hearts and spark a flame! May you carry the torch of fervent love for Him...
Until He returns again!
Merry Christmas, my darlings!
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Monday, November 12, 2018
Ouch! And Thank You!
Bibby’s Blessings
November 12, 2018
“Moreover the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, so that you may love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, so that you may live.” Deuteronomy 30:6
What’s that all about?
Simply put, circumcision was a new thing back in Abraham’s day. God asked him to cut the flesh from the dearest place; the place of a man’s paternity. 😳
It was a way of identifying all that came from that place as belonging to HIM. Other men/children who were not Jews were not circumcised because they, nor their seed were HIS! (Pretty poignant picture, huh?)
In this verse, He just goes ahead and explains His ultimate, future intention...which is to cut from our HEARTS that which is dearest to us;dearer than HIM! For if our hearts were not circumcised, we would not be His!
Circumcision is painful; whether physically or spiritually.
But look at the reason! So that you may LOVE the LORD your God with everything you’ve got; first in your heart; dearer than all else! For then you will truly know what it means to LIVE with goals and a purpose that outlives this life!
God is a jealous God! He won’t allow us, if we are truly His own to love anything else more than we love Him. I don’t blame Him for that! We’re all pretty protective of what belongs to us!He will remove whatever it is that distracts us from whole hearted devotion to Him because He’s GOD and He can do that whether we want Him to or not!
We can make it difficult by kicking and screaming and thrashing at the process. Or we can see it for what it is, submit, and say “thank you.”
Does all that comes from your heart belong to Him? Can the world identify you as His?
They can if YOUR heart has been circumcised!
Your mother is praying....
November 12, 2018
“Moreover the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, so that you may love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, so that you may live.” Deuteronomy 30:6
What’s that all about?
Simply put, circumcision was a new thing back in Abraham’s day. God asked him to cut the flesh from the dearest place; the place of a man’s paternity. 😳
It was a way of identifying all that came from that place as belonging to HIM. Other men/children who were not Jews were not circumcised because they, nor their seed were HIS! (Pretty poignant picture, huh?)
In this verse, He just goes ahead and explains His ultimate, future intention...which is to cut from our HEARTS that which is dearest to us;dearer than HIM! For if our hearts were not circumcised, we would not be His!
Circumcision is painful; whether physically or spiritually.
But look at the reason! So that you may LOVE the LORD your God with everything you’ve got; first in your heart; dearer than all else! For then you will truly know what it means to LIVE with goals and a purpose that outlives this life!
God is a jealous God! He won’t allow us, if we are truly His own to love anything else more than we love Him. I don’t blame Him for that! We’re all pretty protective of what belongs to us!He will remove whatever it is that distracts us from whole hearted devotion to Him because He’s GOD and He can do that whether we want Him to or not!
We can make it difficult by kicking and screaming and thrashing at the process. Or we can see it for what it is, submit, and say “thank you.”
Does all that comes from your heart belong to Him? Can the world identify you as His?
They can if YOUR heart has been circumcised!
Your mother is praying....
Thursday, September 20, 2018
September 20, 2018
Today I started my 7th decade, as my dear man reminded me. Thanks a lot for that, my love! 😕 WOW! What a journey it’s been! 60 years!
The months leading up to this day have been the hardest of all my anticipated birthday’s! Good flippin grief....
I dreaded it!!!!
I’ve never been real good with change...
But this change...THIS is a milestone if ever there was one.
I always tend to cry a little about milestones, whether good or bad, do you? They are just a turning of the page, the beginning of a new chapter, leaving the last one behind.......
and that’s just hard on a heart!
I suppose I’ve sort of hung on for dear life to middle age for as long as one can, even if I was on the very back end of it...
As a dirty old man once said, “People don’t live to be 120!”
Gonna have to let that illusion go, girl!
How on God’s green earth that happened so fast, I DO NOT KNOW! day when I was driving and musing on what’s coming, a thought comes to me....
“Well, Bonnie....What age would you like to go back to?”
Didn’t even have to think about it....
Since then, I’ve been trying to figure out WHY NOT?
So I had a little talk with Blake about it last night. He’s always so good at helping me put reason to my feelings.
He said, “Most every stage of our lives, especially our adult lives, is HARD! It’s like we’ve pushed a boulder up a mountain. Old age is getting it almost to the top. Letting it slide back down and doing it all over again....WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD WANT TO DO THAT?”
Yes, you can be jealous that I have such a smart man...but sorry....he’s stuck on me like glue.
And then You spoke to me, Lord, and You reminded me that Your Word constantly refers to life as a race.
“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”
“They will run and not be weary.”
“I run the path of Your commands.”
“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run but only one receives the prize? Therefore run like you want to win.”
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
YEP! I’ve run a loooong way now! I don’t wanta start over!
So I reminisced over each lap...
The first leg of my race started out difficult to put it mildly.
I wouldn’t change those childhood years for anything on this earth because they helped to shape my heart and purpose into what it was meant to be...
But nope....Don’t want to relive it!
You were my Daddy then.
My teenage years were pretty darn sweet in so many ways-Still so tumultuous at home but You, Lord, gave me so many people to fill the gaps....
Jimmy Gunter,
Deanna Bennett,
John Thompson,
And friends, Lord, who are still some of my very best friends to this day....
All who loved me like nobody’s business, who believed in me and urged me onward.
My Provider,
My friend,
My stability...
I cherish those memories and those people but,shoot NO! I would not want to stay there in that season.....
because there was SO MUCH MORE to come!
OH! The college years!! Those were fun and crazy and somewhere in the process, I actually learned something that would prepare me for my calling to teach...
Tight friendships were forged there that remain my treasures to this day.
There was ‘Doc’ Richardson who taught me, loved me, believed in me, fussed at me, and sharpened me....
Ohhh the memories!
And there was Jack. I’d never loved like that...
And I let him go...
Because You said so! No other reason.
That was a defining moment for me...
I knew then that I truly loved YOU more than I loved anyone; more than I loved myself.
And right there....was YOU!
You were my portion,
You were my everything,
You were my Love;
My Sustainer.
But, Lord, NO!! I don’t want a redo of that!
There were the early years of marriage...
Let me just say, thank GOD those are behind us; and thank GOD they eventually got better!
You were my husband then.
And the baby years!!!
OHHHHH!!! Sweetest years of my life....
I was alone very alone!
Except that You were there. You were my cheerleader then.
Like sand that ran through my fingers, before I could get a grasp, the kids had grown up and left home.
I’m still trying to decide if I loved them as much as I love the little “thems” that they and You created.
Oh Lord!!! Surely THIS must be the sweetest season of my life!!
In this season of my life, You are my Rewarder!!
“Adulting” IS a race!
Today....I realize that if I keep running, there won’t be a whole lot more laps to run until I can see the finish line!
I’m SO EXCITED for the rest of the journey!
Let’s do this last leg FULL THROTTLE!
Because in just a few more rounds, the race will be over, I will run into Your arms....
And I’ll be HOME!
And I will know with all my heart...
That through EVERY season...
Today I started my 7th decade, as my dear man reminded me. Thanks a lot for that, my love! 😕 WOW! What a journey it’s been! 60 years!
The months leading up to this day have been the hardest of all my anticipated birthday’s! Good flippin grief....
I dreaded it!!!!
I’ve never been real good with change...
But this change...THIS is a milestone if ever there was one.
I always tend to cry a little about milestones, whether good or bad, do you? They are just a turning of the page, the beginning of a new chapter, leaving the last one behind.......
and that’s just hard on a heart!
I suppose I’ve sort of hung on for dear life to middle age for as long as one can, even if I was on the very back end of it...
As a dirty old man once said, “People don’t live to be 120!”
Gonna have to let that illusion go, girl!
How on God’s green earth that happened so fast, I DO NOT KNOW! day when I was driving and musing on what’s coming, a thought comes to me....
“Well, Bonnie....What age would you like to go back to?”
Didn’t even have to think about it....
Since then, I’ve been trying to figure out WHY NOT?
So I had a little talk with Blake about it last night. He’s always so good at helping me put reason to my feelings.
He said, “Most every stage of our lives, especially our adult lives, is HARD! It’s like we’ve pushed a boulder up a mountain. Old age is getting it almost to the top. Letting it slide back down and doing it all over again....WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD WANT TO DO THAT?”
Yes, you can be jealous that I have such a smart man...but sorry....he’s stuck on me like glue.
And then You spoke to me, Lord, and You reminded me that Your Word constantly refers to life as a race.
“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”
“They will run and not be weary.”
“I run the path of Your commands.”
“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run but only one receives the prize? Therefore run like you want to win.”
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
YEP! I’ve run a loooong way now! I don’t wanta start over!
So I reminisced over each lap...
The first leg of my race started out difficult to put it mildly.
I wouldn’t change those childhood years for anything on this earth because they helped to shape my heart and purpose into what it was meant to be...
But nope....Don’t want to relive it!
You were my Daddy then.
My teenage years were pretty darn sweet in so many ways-Still so tumultuous at home but You, Lord, gave me so many people to fill the gaps....
Jimmy Gunter,
Deanna Bennett,
John Thompson,
And friends, Lord, who are still some of my very best friends to this day....
All who loved me like nobody’s business, who believed in me and urged me onward.
My Provider,
My friend,
My stability...
I cherish those memories and those people but,shoot NO! I would not want to stay there in that season.....
because there was SO MUCH MORE to come!
OH! The college years!! Those were fun and crazy and somewhere in the process, I actually learned something that would prepare me for my calling to teach...
Tight friendships were forged there that remain my treasures to this day.
There was ‘Doc’ Richardson who taught me, loved me, believed in me, fussed at me, and sharpened me....
Ohhh the memories!
And there was Jack. I’d never loved like that...
And I let him go...
Because You said so! No other reason.
That was a defining moment for me...
I knew then that I truly loved YOU more than I loved anyone; more than I loved myself.
And right there....was YOU!
You were my portion,
You were my everything,
You were my Love;
My Sustainer.
But, Lord, NO!! I don’t want a redo of that!
There were the early years of marriage...
Let me just say, thank GOD those are behind us; and thank GOD they eventually got better!
You were my husband then.
And the baby years!!!
OHHHHH!!! Sweetest years of my life....
I was alone very alone!
Except that You were there. You were my cheerleader then.
Like sand that ran through my fingers, before I could get a grasp, the kids had grown up and left home.
I’m still trying to decide if I loved them as much as I love the little “thems” that they and You created.
Oh Lord!!! Surely THIS must be the sweetest season of my life!!
In this season of my life, You are my Rewarder!!
“Adulting” IS a race!
Today....I realize that if I keep running, there won’t be a whole lot more laps to run until I can see the finish line!
I’m SO EXCITED for the rest of the journey!
Let’s do this last leg FULL THROTTLE!
Because in just a few more rounds, the race will be over, I will run into Your arms....
And I’ll be HOME!
And I will know with all my heart...
That through EVERY season...
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
The Horse and the Cart
If I could only have taught my kids and grandkids ONE thing in their entire lives, I think it would be this...
Jeremiah 9:23-24
"This is what the LORD says: 'Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to KNOW ME...’”
What if the grade we will receive from God is based:
NOT on our church attendance
NOT on how passionately and uprightly and excellently we did what we've been created to do
NOT on how many mission trips we went on or our service in the church
NOT on how friendly we are to all people
NOT on how much money we give to the church or others
NOT on all the kind things we did for others
NOT on how morally we lived
NOT on how well we knew the Bible
NOT on how much we did to serve and better our community
NOT on what kind of spouse or parent we are
NOT on the number of ways we reached out to the less fortunate
NOT on how well respected we are
But on this:
The importance we placed on KNOWING Him...Intimately!
Contrary to popular opinion, He didn't die to make us nice people.
He didn't die to get Himself some servants. He's pretty self sufficient!
And as His, there's nothing that you will ever do that will please Him more than having an intimate, one on one, sweet love relationship with Him.
Closer than with any other on earth.
And there's nothing that would break His heart more than for you to do all the rest but have little to no desire to invest your life in knowing Him.
Did you know that He loves YOU more than ALL the stuff you do? He just wants YOU! He wants your heart. He wants you to become more and more responsive to the way He loves you. That thrills Him just like it thrills your heart for your children to do the same!
All that other stuff will happen...but it will happen as naturally as breathing when we deeply know Him!
ALWAYS remember this:
The horse pulls the cart...NEVER the cart before the horse!
Get this ONE thing right and see if everything else in your life doesn’t fall right into place! Cross my heart! ✝️❤️
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Twenty nine years ago, my man and I gave a notebook full of pictures and pages of ideas to an architect to design our dream home.
We built high atop a hill surrounded by mountains and a breathtaking view on every side. We planted little willow oaks to line the long, winding driveway, and a barn to house the horses that I loved so much.
We raised our three children in this home, along with several orphaned boys.
And somewhere in the process...
Life happened....
Everything grew and aged.
The trees became a tunnel up the drive, the landscape matured, and the wall inside my kitchen pantry kept careful records year after year as some very loved little lives grew into mature adults.
These walls stored up so many memories, welcomed so many friends, hosted so many events, “heard” so many prayers and so much laughter. They felt the slap of so many dirty hands as young teenage boys competed for the #1 high jump position.
I suppose that there’s hardly a square inch of the woods and hills surrounding our home that didn’t feel the footprints of a teenager, or the hoof prints of a horse, or the tires of a dirt bike or four wheeler.
Five boys and one blessed little girl, together with dogs and chickens and rabbits, and who knows how many other species of God’s creatures experienced life in all its glory...
Right here...
And the years flew.
The walls hear mostly silence these days; or the sounds of the hymns that a mother loves best, and the soft conversations of the aging parents who are left here.
But imbedded within every wall, and deep beneath every inch of soil lie the roots which have weaved their way into every fiber of our being; roots that will never die because they are and have always found their source in living water; roots that gave life and grew branches that took wings.
Yesterday, the question, “What makes you feel like you are truly home?” was posted in a very beautiful lady’s blog, along with the song, “North,” by the group, "Laughing Out Loud."
The lyrics of the last verse got a choke hold on my heart.
“Smaller than dust on this map
Lies the greatest thing we have:
The dirt in which our roots have grown
And the right to call it home.”
Yes, I suppose if one is asked what makes us feel truly home, we need only find our roots. And when we do....
That’s how you’ll know you are truly home.
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Are You Listening?
Bibby’s Blessings
August 10, 2018
“From his temple he heard my voice ; my cry came before him, into his ears.” Psalm 18:6
“But they did not listen to me....” Jeremiah 7:26
How sad is that?
But not being heard.
I suppose it happens to God all day long every day!
It’s so seriously God-like! He’s so good at it! It’s a virtue that people who best reflect God are also good at!
As I meditated on these verses today, I asked myself some questions to assess why I or God or anyone else desires to be heard, and to assess my own listening skills. For how can we truly listen to a God, whom we cannot see, if we’re poor at listening to people whose voices we hear every day?
I thought I’d share these with you in case you’d like to ponder them with me:
1. How important is it to you to feel that when you speak, the person(s) you are speaking to are really hearing you? If they are not, what does this imply?
2. When others speak to you, do they feel that you are really hearing them? If not, what do you think they feel?
3. When others speak to you, do you too quickly answer back with your own ideas, your own answers, your own experiences, removing the focus from their heart to yours? Do you suppose we do that to God when He’s trying to reveal His heart to us?
4. Are you willing to genuinely take a look at yourself in this area, without assessing anyone else but yourself?
I cannot even begin to express how important it is as you raise your children to truly know God that you teach them this Godly virtue by example!
They may learn to listen to God by following the example of how you listen to God AND to others.
I plan to ask a few people, “How well do you feel that I listen when you speak?”
Then... I’m going to LISTEN to their answer...
“Being heard is so close to being loved that they are almost indistinguishable.” David Augsburger
August 10, 2018
“From his temple he heard my voice ; my cry came before him, into his ears.” Psalm 18:6
“But they did not listen to me....” Jeremiah 7:26
How sad is that?
But not being heard.
I suppose it happens to God all day long every day!
It’s so seriously God-like! He’s so good at it! It’s a virtue that people who best reflect God are also good at!
As I meditated on these verses today, I asked myself some questions to assess why I or God or anyone else desires to be heard, and to assess my own listening skills. For how can we truly listen to a God, whom we cannot see, if we’re poor at listening to people whose voices we hear every day?
I thought I’d share these with you in case you’d like to ponder them with me:
1. How important is it to you to feel that when you speak, the person(s) you are speaking to are really hearing you? If they are not, what does this imply?
2. When others speak to you, do they feel that you are really hearing them? If not, what do you think they feel?
3. When others speak to you, do you too quickly answer back with your own ideas, your own answers, your own experiences, removing the focus from their heart to yours? Do you suppose we do that to God when He’s trying to reveal His heart to us?
4. Are you willing to genuinely take a look at yourself in this area, without assessing anyone else but yourself?
I cannot even begin to express how important it is as you raise your children to truly know God that you teach them this Godly virtue by example!
They may learn to listen to God by following the example of how you listen to God AND to others.
I plan to ask a few people, “How well do you feel that I listen when you speak?”
Then... I’m going to LISTEN to their answer...
“Being heard is so close to being loved that they are almost indistinguishable.” David Augsburger
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
The Search is Over
Bibby's Blessings
Sept. 3, 2017
Jesus told the woman at the well,
"... whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14
My beloved ones! Today I have been reminded of the truth of this in a way that has nearly exploded my heart with humble, almost earth shattering praise!
I listened to a sermon by a young man who is a living, breathing testament of this truth; someone you knew before his search led him to Jesus, the "Living Water", and someone you know now, whose life has been FOREVER changed!
I began to weep from the innermost parts of my soul when he prayed, "Your Word is truth."
I wept because it wasn't so long ago when this man was so parched with thirst for truth! And his search was real and it was determined and it seemed to be almost all he could think of!
I wept for this reason:
And I wept because I knew....
I wept because I know....
I know because our source of "water" comes from the same fountain and every soul that drinks from it is satisfied, never to thirst again! They will be satisfied by Jesus for the rest of their lives and for eternity!
....Every time!!!
Do y'all remember Marty? I met him in 5th grade and by that time, my whole heart belonged to Jesus.
Many years later, when David Rainey died, Marty called me to tell me that David was gone. I don't remember our conversation much but I must have said something about the Lord because I do remember what Marty said to me in his deep, gentleman's southern drawl: "You neva change. I believe that if I call you in fiftae yeeas, you will still be the same Bonneh."
And Marty was right! He was right because I have drunk deeply from a fountain that has become in me a spring of ETERNAL LIFE! My feet were and are firmly and eternally planted on a Rock that will not be moved. HE will "neva change!"
My search ended as a little girl in the corner of a bedroom where Jesus met me.
Others search all their lives, and though they have heard of this fountain, it is too risky to drink of it.
This is the "water" that the whole world is searching for, though they may not know it.
Be still and quiet and drink deeply and often of Him, my children!
The search is over...
And we will never thirst again!
"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" John 7:38
Sept. 3, 2017
Jesus told the woman at the well,
"... whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14
My beloved ones! Today I have been reminded of the truth of this in a way that has nearly exploded my heart with humble, almost earth shattering praise!
I listened to a sermon by a young man who is a living, breathing testament of this truth; someone you knew before his search led him to Jesus, the "Living Water", and someone you know now, whose life has been FOREVER changed!
I began to weep from the innermost parts of my soul when he prayed, "Your Word is truth."
I wept because it wasn't so long ago when this man was so parched with thirst for truth! And his search was real and it was determined and it seemed to be almost all he could think of!
I wept for this reason:
And I wept because I knew....
I wept because I know....
I know because our source of "water" comes from the same fountain and every soul that drinks from it is satisfied, never to thirst again! They will be satisfied by Jesus for the rest of their lives and for eternity!
....Every time!!!
Do y'all remember Marty? I met him in 5th grade and by that time, my whole heart belonged to Jesus.
Many years later, when David Rainey died, Marty called me to tell me that David was gone. I don't remember our conversation much but I must have said something about the Lord because I do remember what Marty said to me in his deep, gentleman's southern drawl: "You neva change. I believe that if I call you in fiftae yeeas, you will still be the same Bonneh."
And Marty was right! He was right because I have drunk deeply from a fountain that has become in me a spring of ETERNAL LIFE! My feet were and are firmly and eternally planted on a Rock that will not be moved. HE will "neva change!"
My search ended as a little girl in the corner of a bedroom where Jesus met me.
Others search all their lives, and though they have heard of this fountain, it is too risky to drink of it.
This is the "water" that the whole world is searching for, though they may not know it.
Be still and quiet and drink deeply and often of Him, my children!
The search is over...
And we will never thirst again!
"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" John 7:38
Somebody’s Looking for You
Bibby’s Blessings
"Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Phil. 4:9
Today, as I've been pouring my heart out to the Lord for you and my babies, I asked that God would place extraordinary people in your paths; people who are older, deeper, wiser, more knowledgeable, passionate, zealous, balanced, sensible, God fearing, outstanding Christians; people who have walked a long, hard, narrow road with Him; people who know Him well and hear Him accurately; people who have died to self and LIVE for Him because their hearts have been completely captured by Him.
It dawns on me that there are precious few of those kind in this world; people who are just clearly "other" than most; who are able with intestinal fortitude to stand alone with humility, yet confidently; who do not follow a moral code, but follow a living LORD who is clearly dictating their lives.
So, my beloved ones, if you find yourselves at a loss for spotting people who are these things 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻, in a world full of middle of the road, lukewarm, "not sure if he is or isn't" a distinctly "one thing matters" Jesus follower...
Somebody's out there looking for YOU!
Somebody out there may never know what a sold out Christ follower looks like unless they spot it in YOU!!
"Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Phil. 4:9
Today, as I've been pouring my heart out to the Lord for you and my babies, I asked that God would place extraordinary people in your paths; people who are older, deeper, wiser, more knowledgeable, passionate, zealous, balanced, sensible, God fearing, outstanding Christians; people who have walked a long, hard, narrow road with Him; people who know Him well and hear Him accurately; people who have died to self and LIVE for Him because their hearts have been completely captured by Him.
It dawns on me that there are precious few of those kind in this world; people who are just clearly "other" than most; who are able with intestinal fortitude to stand alone with humility, yet confidently; who do not follow a moral code, but follow a living LORD who is clearly dictating their lives.
So, my beloved ones, if you find yourselves at a loss for spotting people who are these things 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻, in a world full of middle of the road, lukewarm, "not sure if he is or isn't" a distinctly "one thing matters" Jesus follower...
Somebody's out there looking for YOU!
Somebody out there may never know what a sold out Christ follower looks like unless they spot it in YOU!!
A Marked Man
Bibby's Blessings: June 15, 2017
Solomon found himself in a frightening position! His father, David had died and suddenly the responsibility for governing God's people fell squarely on his shoulders. Bless him!
So he prayed a desperate prayer...
"Give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong." 1 Kings 3:9
The world's always had this crazy way of desiring to create our own right and wrong on the fly...
Yea....we're like toddlers who like to "do it my way"; create a standard that complies with MY desires and then if we just call it God's, all is well...
We will call good evil and evil, we will call good if it gets things done "my way."
But God has given His people something that astounds me, really;
A discerning heart;
The ability to discern HIS standard. It might not be what we want it to be, but it's spot on!
It isn't iffy.
It does not pick and choose.
It's straight up, universally the same for all people, for all time.
Fast forward a lot of years....
In the book of Ezekiel, we find an enormously sobering command given by God:
"Go through the midst of the city...and put a mark on the forehead of those who sigh and groan over all the abominations being committed."
Apparently some were grieved and others didn't give a rip what was happening to their society...
"To each his own" was their motto.
And then....
The command was to strike down all who did not have the mark; the ones who lived by that motto; ☝🏻
The ones whose hearts were not grieved with God.
do not touch any man on whom is the mark."
Now get this....
"......And start in my sanctuary." (Ez. 9: 4-6)
There were those in that day and there are those in this day whose claim is to belong to the household of God....
But not everyone who makes the claim truly is....
Oh how this should give us pause!
May we not merely claim to belong in the household of God, but may we be "marked" as those who share His heart;
who rejoice in what thrills Him and who grieve over what grieves Him.
I give you my heart, oh God, that I may lose it for Yours.
If the command were given today, would you be a "marked" man?
Solomon found himself in a frightening position! His father, David had died and suddenly the responsibility for governing God's people fell squarely on his shoulders. Bless him!
So he prayed a desperate prayer...
"Give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong." 1 Kings 3:9
The world's always had this crazy way of desiring to create our own right and wrong on the fly...
Yea....we're like toddlers who like to "do it my way"; create a standard that complies with MY desires and then if we just call it God's, all is well...
We will call good evil and evil, we will call good if it gets things done "my way."
But God has given His people something that astounds me, really;
A discerning heart;
The ability to discern HIS standard. It might not be what we want it to be, but it's spot on!
It isn't iffy.
It does not pick and choose.
It's straight up, universally the same for all people, for all time.
Fast forward a lot of years....
In the book of Ezekiel, we find an enormously sobering command given by God:
"Go through the midst of the city...and put a mark on the forehead of those who sigh and groan over all the abominations being committed."
Apparently some were grieved and others didn't give a rip what was happening to their society...
"To each his own" was their motto.
And then....
The command was to strike down all who did not have the mark; the ones who lived by that motto; ☝🏻
The ones whose hearts were not grieved with God.
do not touch any man on whom is the mark."
Now get this....
"......And start in my sanctuary." (Ez. 9: 4-6)
There were those in that day and there are those in this day whose claim is to belong to the household of God....
But not everyone who makes the claim truly is....
Oh how this should give us pause!
May we not merely claim to belong in the household of God, but may we be "marked" as those who share His heart;
who rejoice in what thrills Him and who grieve over what grieves Him.
I give you my heart, oh God, that I may lose it for Yours.
If the command were given today, would you be a "marked" man?
Do You Really See?
Bibby’s Blessings
My precious children, I can't tell you when in forever I have been as blessed as I have been today! Being with Gaga and Papa inspired me to my core.
It is nothing short of remarkable to see them interact with people. Every. Single. Person. While in waiting rooms, they take an interest in other patients. "I bet you were in a war" to an elderly gentleman whose face was scarred. By the time we left, that man held his head a little higher. Because somebody really saw him and really valued him and told him so.
I'm willing to bet that we knew the receptionist possibly better than some of her own family, because Gaga and Papa learned so much about her just by extending some friendly conversation. And her day was made happier and brighter because someone really cared about her.
To every nurse and doctor, Papa said, "I appreciate your kindness and your expertise" before they left the room. And while they were with them, in one way or another, he gave them a little piece of the love in his heart.
And when all the people except Merle and I were gone, they held each other and wept for joy that they didn't have an immediate reason to be worried for the other.
And it just struck me soooo deeply in my heart...
That every thought and action that flows from their lives is so outside of themselves.
They SEE people. They have spent their lives looking outwardly together.
THIS is your heritage.
And here's the baton...
Run well, my beloved!
My precious children, I can't tell you when in forever I have been as blessed as I have been today! Being with Gaga and Papa inspired me to my core.
It is nothing short of remarkable to see them interact with people. Every. Single. Person. While in waiting rooms, they take an interest in other patients. "I bet you were in a war" to an elderly gentleman whose face was scarred. By the time we left, that man held his head a little higher. Because somebody really saw him and really valued him and told him so.
I'm willing to bet that we knew the receptionist possibly better than some of her own family, because Gaga and Papa learned so much about her just by extending some friendly conversation. And her day was made happier and brighter because someone really cared about her.
To every nurse and doctor, Papa said, "I appreciate your kindness and your expertise" before they left the room. And while they were with them, in one way or another, he gave them a little piece of the love in his heart.
And when all the people except Merle and I were gone, they held each other and wept for joy that they didn't have an immediate reason to be worried for the other.
And it just struck me soooo deeply in my heart...
That every thought and action that flows from their lives is so outside of themselves.
They SEE people. They have spent their lives looking outwardly together.
THIS is your heritage.
And here's the baton...
Run well, my beloved!
Accountability 101
"Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself." Gal. 6:1
If you see a brother or sister in sin, do you go to them and talk to them with kindness and love, or do you just stop liking them and talk to others about them?
I would so much prefer, as you probably would, that someone just talk to me! I'm an open book!
If our "hearts are set on pilgrimage" we WANT the whole body to be healthy and get it right! We care far more for the kingdom than for our stupid egos!
Let's help one another in a spirit of gentleness and humility to be the best hands and feet and mouthpiece of the Gospel as we can possibly be!
I can't speak for how others feel but if you are a part of the same body that I am, I AM YOUR BUSINESS and I invite you to keep me straight!
This requires enormous humility on BOTH sides, but sistren and brethren, the kingdom of God is at hand and we ain't got time for no petty games!
1. We Never rebuke someone for our assumptions about how they "feel" or for what we think they think, or because of something someone told us ("assuming" that we got all there is to the story), or for what we assume their motives or reasons are!
WE DON'T KNOW THAT! (1 Cor. 4:1-4)
There may be a WHOLE LOT that we don't know.....
2. Get your facts straight. If it bothers you, ASK!
3. Our FIRST order of business is always keeping the log out of our own eyes! (Matt. 7:5)
Let's love every member of the body enough to communicate!
For HIS Honor!
If you see a brother or sister in sin, do you go to them and talk to them with kindness and love, or do you just stop liking them and talk to others about them?
I would so much prefer, as you probably would, that someone just talk to me! I'm an open book!
If our "hearts are set on pilgrimage" we WANT the whole body to be healthy and get it right! We care far more for the kingdom than for our stupid egos!
Let's help one another in a spirit of gentleness and humility to be the best hands and feet and mouthpiece of the Gospel as we can possibly be!
I can't speak for how others feel but if you are a part of the same body that I am, I AM YOUR BUSINESS and I invite you to keep me straight!
This requires enormous humility on BOTH sides, but sistren and brethren, the kingdom of God is at hand and we ain't got time for no petty games!
1. We Never rebuke someone for our assumptions about how they "feel" or for what we think they think, or because of something someone told us ("assuming" that we got all there is to the story), or for what we assume their motives or reasons are!
WE DON'T KNOW THAT! (1 Cor. 4:1-4)
There may be a WHOLE LOT that we don't know.....
2. Get your facts straight. If it bothers you, ASK!
3. Our FIRST order of business is always keeping the log out of our own eyes! (Matt. 7:5)
Let's love every member of the body enough to communicate!
For HIS Honor!
He Loves Me Because...
Bibby's Blessings: Oct. 3, 2016
You've heard it all your life:
You've heard it so much that it may be old news and it might have lost its punch.
But let me just tell you something very, very profound; something that, as long as I live, I'll never get over.
Let me tell you WHY He loves you....
I mean, when we love somebody, isn't there usually some attraction to them that draws that love out of us?
Somebody out there might tell you that He loves you because you have unique, special abilities and gifts that He needs and wants to use.
Nope! He doesn't need ANY of your abilities or gifts. He's got quite enough of His own, thank you. (Acts 17:24,25)
Or maybe you've thought that He loves you because you try hard to do your dead level best in everything you do. I'm GLAD you do that but...
Nope! I'm sorry to burst your bubble but your best compared to His best is so minuscule! All the best things that you could do are less than a drop in a bucket to Him, and not that He doesn't appreciate your best but it's kinda funny for us to flex our muscles in front of HIM!
Maybe it's because you're a strong person?
Nope! The strongest ant on the ant hill is laughable to the man who has the power with one swipe of his foot to remove all it's power.
Ohhhh! It's because you've got smarts!
Sorry again! I mean, to ME you're smart! But...."where were you when the earth's foundations were laid?" That kinda changes things!
So why does He love you?
Are you ready?
He loves you because...
Because.....................HE WANTS TO.
That's all.
And when you can fully grasp that....
That He loves you, though you have absolutely NOTHING to offer Him...
That's when you'll start loving Him back.
Not BECAUSE of all the things He's done for you or for what you expect Him to do for you...
But just because you want to.
Just because you have at last found a heart where you can be at home.
"Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong." Eph. 3:17
You've heard it all your life:
You've heard it so much that it may be old news and it might have lost its punch.
But let me just tell you something very, very profound; something that, as long as I live, I'll never get over.
Let me tell you WHY He loves you....
I mean, when we love somebody, isn't there usually some attraction to them that draws that love out of us?
Somebody out there might tell you that He loves you because you have unique, special abilities and gifts that He needs and wants to use.
Nope! He doesn't need ANY of your abilities or gifts. He's got quite enough of His own, thank you. (Acts 17:24,25)
Or maybe you've thought that He loves you because you try hard to do your dead level best in everything you do. I'm GLAD you do that but...
Nope! I'm sorry to burst your bubble but your best compared to His best is so minuscule! All the best things that you could do are less than a drop in a bucket to Him, and not that He doesn't appreciate your best but it's kinda funny for us to flex our muscles in front of HIM!
Maybe it's because you're a strong person?
Nope! The strongest ant on the ant hill is laughable to the man who has the power with one swipe of his foot to remove all it's power.
Ohhhh! It's because you've got smarts!
Sorry again! I mean, to ME you're smart! But...."where were you when the earth's foundations were laid?" That kinda changes things!
So why does He love you?
Are you ready?
He loves you because...
Because.....................HE WANTS TO.
That's all.
And when you can fully grasp that....
That He loves you, though you have absolutely NOTHING to offer Him...
That's when you'll start loving Him back.
Not BECAUSE of all the things He's done for you or for what you expect Him to do for you...
But just because you want to.
Just because you have at last found a heart where you can be at home.
"Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong." Eph. 3:17
Thanks for That
I often told my children that no one can even look at you without God's permission! He's THAT Sovereign! Nor can they speak an ill word to you or hurt or harm you without His say so. And if He says so, it is because He intends to turn it around and use it for your good! So the next time you are offended or hurt...look at that person and say quietly in your heart, “thank you for that! God is going to turn that into something really good for me." Or as Joseph said, " You meant it for evil but God meant it for good!"
"The Sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which the child of God rests his head at night, giving perfect peace." Spurgeon
"The Sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which the child of God rests his head at night, giving perfect peace." Spurgeon
Addicted to Prayer
Bibby’s Blessings
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything...." Phil. 4:6
I have lived a lot of years and I can tell you with absolute certainty that life is never without troubles. Never. Situations try our very souls, circumstances become so different than we'd dreamed of, people hurt us, evil threatens us. Things break, hearts break, we lose things and people, and life hurts. We can choose to gather every aspect of life into our own bosom and suckle it, frantically seeking to fight it out from within....OR...we can choose to immediately bring it to Jesus, lay it down, and admit our own inadequacy to control how life happens. We can make up our minds to say "Yes" to Jesus' answer, no matter what it is, knowing that He is "too wise to be mistaken, and too good to be unkind." We can determine never to cling tightly to anything but rather to keep all He places in our hands in an opened palm; Bring every single thing to the foot of the cross where powerful blood flows down over it and causes even death to begin working backwards.
That, my children is where joy and peace and true and deep contentment is found. I pray that all of us throughout the generations will simply be addicted to PRAYER!
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything...." Phil. 4:6
I have lived a lot of years and I can tell you with absolute certainty that life is never without troubles. Never. Situations try our very souls, circumstances become so different than we'd dreamed of, people hurt us, evil threatens us. Things break, hearts break, we lose things and people, and life hurts. We can choose to gather every aspect of life into our own bosom and suckle it, frantically seeking to fight it out from within....OR...we can choose to immediately bring it to Jesus, lay it down, and admit our own inadequacy to control how life happens. We can make up our minds to say "Yes" to Jesus' answer, no matter what it is, knowing that He is "too wise to be mistaken, and too good to be unkind." We can determine never to cling tightly to anything but rather to keep all He places in our hands in an opened palm; Bring every single thing to the foot of the cross where powerful blood flows down over it and causes even death to begin working backwards.
That, my children is where joy and peace and true and deep contentment is found. I pray that all of us throughout the generations will simply be addicted to PRAYER!
She Knows
With the birth of each of my grandchildren, along with the indescribable joy, I have also been keenly aware of the hole left in my heart by my precious Mama's leaving this earth. I have ached to share my joy with her; for her to be here to experience this JOY with me! Oh how happy and proud she would be!
Yesterday, with tears, as I was preparing to go to visit my little Isaac, I was aching for Mama and I asked the Lord out loud, "Jesus, does Mama really know about these babies? Does she really have anything to do with their coming here? Has she been there watching and praying as you formed them in the womb?"
Literally, Within one minute of that prayer, Ivey sent me a video of Hallie pretending to play the piano at the table. When Ivey asked her, "Who does that? Who plays the piano?", Hallie answered, "Nana."
Mama never got to meet Hallie here on this earth. I have shown her videos of Mama playing the piano and I have told her, "That's Nana and she loves Hallie."
This might have happened at any other time...but one minute after I asked Jesus that question...
"Yes, my child. She knows. She's watching. She's been all over the whole process, praying and rejoicing and offering her own creative ideas", I felt was His answer.
Sometimes these little things just happen and they remind me that "Somewhere out there, someone's saying a prayer"....
Face to face!
My God IS God!
Yesterday, with tears, as I was preparing to go to visit my little Isaac, I was aching for Mama and I asked the Lord out loud, "Jesus, does Mama really know about these babies? Does she really have anything to do with their coming here? Has she been there watching and praying as you formed them in the womb?"
Literally, Within one minute of that prayer, Ivey sent me a video of Hallie pretending to play the piano at the table. When Ivey asked her, "Who does that? Who plays the piano?", Hallie answered, "Nana."
Mama never got to meet Hallie here on this earth. I have shown her videos of Mama playing the piano and I have told her, "That's Nana and she loves Hallie."
This might have happened at any other time...but one minute after I asked Jesus that question...
"Yes, my child. She knows. She's watching. She's been all over the whole process, praying and rejoicing and offering her own creative ideas", I felt was His answer.
Sometimes these little things just happen and they remind me that "Somewhere out there, someone's saying a prayer"....
Face to face!
My God IS God!
Love of our Homeland
Bibby's Blessing: March 14,2016
"For I have told you often before, and I say it again with tears in my eyes, that there are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. They are headed for destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth. But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control." Philippians 3:18-21
There is nothing in this world more important to me than knowing that you are citizens of another country!
May nothing on this earth ever become more important to you than instilling in your babies a love for your homeland and it's King!
"For I have told you often before, and I say it again with tears in my eyes, that there are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. They are headed for destruction. Their god is their appetite, they brag about shameful things, and they think only about this life here on earth. But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control." Philippians 3:18-21
There is nothing in this world more important to me than knowing that you are citizens of another country!
May nothing on this earth ever become more important to you than instilling in your babies a love for your homeland and it's King!
Silent Wednesday
In Holy Week, it's "Silent Wednesday."
On this day, JESUS did nothing recorded in Scripture.
My heart is aching for Him this morning.
His time had come and He withdrew to Mary, Martha, and Lazarus' house for solitude to prepare Himself for the coming days.
He was about to walk the only road to our salvation.
His coming alone; GOD, leaving the glory and bliss of heaven, leaving the constant worship of angels...
to become small, helpless, dependent...
That alone shuts my mouth in silent awe.
But today....He is preparing to walk a road that is incomprehensible...
He knows what's coming. I am silent before Him now...wondering why.
Why, Lord Jesus, did you think me worth this?
I would argue with Him...but it's too late.
In eternity past....there was a cross....
and a covenant between Himself and The Father and The Spirit;
a covenant agreement of which He would drink every last drop...
because my face and your face was engraved eternally on His heart ...
because to Him, we were worth it.'s Silent Wednesday...and I am weeping at the thought of the road He is about to travel...
For my sake.
I love you, Lord Jesus!
"Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all."
On this day, JESUS did nothing recorded in Scripture.
My heart is aching for Him this morning.
His time had come and He withdrew to Mary, Martha, and Lazarus' house for solitude to prepare Himself for the coming days.
He was about to walk the only road to our salvation.
His coming alone; GOD, leaving the glory and bliss of heaven, leaving the constant worship of angels...
to become small, helpless, dependent...
That alone shuts my mouth in silent awe.
But today....He is preparing to walk a road that is incomprehensible...
He knows what's coming. I am silent before Him now...wondering why.
Why, Lord Jesus, did you think me worth this?
I would argue with Him...but it's too late.
In eternity past....there was a cross....
and a covenant between Himself and The Father and The Spirit;
a covenant agreement of which He would drink every last drop...
because my face and your face was engraved eternally on His heart ...
because to Him, we were worth it.'s Silent Wednesday...and I am weeping at the thought of the road He is about to travel...
For my sake.
I love you, Lord Jesus!
"Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all."
Love the Lord Your God
Bibby's Blessings:
April 13, 2016
My beloved ones! My heart is so incredibly full knowing that EACH of you now knows what it is to love a child of your own! That I have lived to see this day is one of the greatest blessings God will ever give me!
("May you live to see your children's children.") Ps.128:6
As I sit here praying for you as you all have entered this journey, I want to tell you one very, very simple truth yet one of the most profound words of wisdom you may ever hear!
Someone asked me a few days ago when dad and I were going to write a book explaining to others how to raise such great kids.
Speaking for myself, I can tell you this: The assignment He gave me was beyond me. I knew that I was being asked to do something that I could never accomplish, something that absorbed all my energy and wore out my patience.
This, in a nutshell would be my most accurate answer to that person:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength." Mark 12:30
It sounds too simple but I am convinced that it's true.
As we bring to Him our love, He in turn brings to us His power....
The greatest success will be determined by how much we truly love God.
Pretty profound, huh?
April 13, 2016
My beloved ones! My heart is so incredibly full knowing that EACH of you now knows what it is to love a child of your own! That I have lived to see this day is one of the greatest blessings God will ever give me!
("May you live to see your children's children.") Ps.128:6
As I sit here praying for you as you all have entered this journey, I want to tell you one very, very simple truth yet one of the most profound words of wisdom you may ever hear!
Someone asked me a few days ago when dad and I were going to write a book explaining to others how to raise such great kids.
Speaking for myself, I can tell you this: The assignment He gave me was beyond me. I knew that I was being asked to do something that I could never accomplish, something that absorbed all my energy and wore out my patience.
This, in a nutshell would be my most accurate answer to that person:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength." Mark 12:30
It sounds too simple but I am convinced that it's true.
As we bring to Him our love, He in turn brings to us His power....
The greatest success will be determined by how much we truly love God.
Pretty profound, huh?
Open Hands
Bibby's Blessings
April 15, 2016
"For you, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high." Ps.3:3
There are few verses, as your mother, that I have found more comforting than this; that there is an invisible shield around you, my beloved ones.
As I prayed for all of you this morning by name, I took each of you in my hand, held my opened hands up to my Father and asked that He be a shield around you.
I offered you to Him with my hands opened, confessing that I dare not cling to you tightly, for you belong, not to me, but to Him; that you were on loan to me from Him for a brief time but that I have never truly had the control of how life happens for you. That is His call.
My simple prayer for years has been this: "I pray that You will protect and shield my children in all ways. May nothing ever touch their lives except that which You deem necessary to fulfill Your purposes for them. Whatever Your wisdom and love decrees, I will say 'Yes' to because I trust You That much!"
Because I believe He hears and honors such prayer, I have and will continue to live without fear of your futures!
I pray that you will learn early to always hold your babes in an open hand up to the God who loves them even more than you do!
God blesses that kind of trust!
April 15, 2016
"For you, O LORD, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high." Ps.3:3
There are few verses, as your mother, that I have found more comforting than this; that there is an invisible shield around you, my beloved ones.
As I prayed for all of you this morning by name, I took each of you in my hand, held my opened hands up to my Father and asked that He be a shield around you.
I offered you to Him with my hands opened, confessing that I dare not cling to you tightly, for you belong, not to me, but to Him; that you were on loan to me from Him for a brief time but that I have never truly had the control of how life happens for you. That is His call.
My simple prayer for years has been this: "I pray that You will protect and shield my children in all ways. May nothing ever touch their lives except that which You deem necessary to fulfill Your purposes for them. Whatever Your wisdom and love decrees, I will say 'Yes' to because I trust You That much!"
Because I believe He hears and honors such prayer, I have and will continue to live without fear of your futures!
I pray that you will learn early to always hold your babes in an open hand up to the God who loves them even more than you do!
God blesses that kind of trust!
Supernatural Glue
On Feb. 6, 1982, we entered into a covenant with God and one another, vowing to love one another just as Christ has loved us, giving Himself up for us; to live, no longer to find happiness merely for ourselves, but to seek it, most importantly, for the other.
He entrusted to me his name and I gave him my supreme devotion to promote his name and his character.
"And they lived happily ever after"?
Not quite. There have been mountains so steep to climb that we'd have given up; except.....The One whom we seek to emulate never gave up on US.
We've failed one another and we've broken each other's hearts. We've both learned to say with utter sincerity, "I was wrong!! Please, please forgive me!" Those words rip your heart out to say them. But there may be no other words in the human language that can endear you to another as much as an honest to God confession (and often a tearful one) that I need mercy here!
We've learned to tap into a love that is not human. It is a love that is patient with the other, it's kind, and not so proud that it can't admit that "I may need to change."
It values the other more than self; it is not easily angered and does not drop eggshells all over the floor!
It forgives and moves on. It protects the other, it has high hopes, and it always perseveres.
This man is the greatest friend I have on this earth. He's always on my side and you better know that I'm on his! If you don't like him, then you don't like me. It's that simple, and visa versa.
He makes me laugh every single day and the older we get, the more I know that I don't ever, ever, ever want to live without him! I want to grow old with him and I want us to die on the same day!
He's been a Rock of safety for me and for our children.
I'm so glad the Lord glued us together with SUPERnatural glue! I love him, folks!
He's my man and I’m his girl!
He entrusted to me his name and I gave him my supreme devotion to promote his name and his character.
"And they lived happily ever after"?
Not quite. There have been mountains so steep to climb that we'd have given up; except.....The One whom we seek to emulate never gave up on US.
We've failed one another and we've broken each other's hearts. We've both learned to say with utter sincerity, "I was wrong!! Please, please forgive me!" Those words rip your heart out to say them. But there may be no other words in the human language that can endear you to another as much as an honest to God confession (and often a tearful one) that I need mercy here!
We've learned to tap into a love that is not human. It is a love that is patient with the other, it's kind, and not so proud that it can't admit that "I may need to change."
It values the other more than self; it is not easily angered and does not drop eggshells all over the floor!
It forgives and moves on. It protects the other, it has high hopes, and it always perseveres.
This man is the greatest friend I have on this earth. He's always on my side and you better know that I'm on his! If you don't like him, then you don't like me. It's that simple, and visa versa.
He makes me laugh every single day and the older we get, the more I know that I don't ever, ever, ever want to live without him! I want to grow old with him and I want us to die on the same day!
He's been a Rock of safety for me and for our children.
I'm so glad the Lord glued us together with SUPERnatural glue! I love him, folks!
He's my man and I’m his girl!
He who Loses His Life will Find it
By 1988, the Lord had given us 3 children. We gave them back to Him. (I don't mean that like it sounds....unless maybe I do a little bit... 😉)
It was at about this stage that I released them from the clinched fist in which I held them, opened my hands, raised them toward heaven, and gave them over completely to His Sovereignty. Hardest thing a momma ever does...and perhaps the wisest!
While giving mothering every single ounce of my life, I sooo often felt like a failure. I had thought I would be good at mothering, and at this point, I was doubtful. I had begun keeping a journal of prayers during those days because Blake was rarely ever home, my best friend moved away, and I needed desperately to pour out my heart to someone who knew it all and saw it all.
I knew, as Gloria Gather put it, "We have this moment to hold in our hand, and to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand. Yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never come....
But we have this moment today."
I treasured every "today." I could only keep them forever as memories.
And so, I wrote.
Someday, I desperately want to share that journal with young mothers who are now living what I lived. As an older woman, I now have SO much encouragement to offer them!
It was during these days in which I lost myself...
That I truly found myself!
These were the sweetest days of my life...
It was at about this stage that I released them from the clinched fist in which I held them, opened my hands, raised them toward heaven, and gave them over completely to His Sovereignty. Hardest thing a momma ever does...and perhaps the wisest!
While giving mothering every single ounce of my life, I sooo often felt like a failure. I had thought I would be good at mothering, and at this point, I was doubtful. I had begun keeping a journal of prayers during those days because Blake was rarely ever home, my best friend moved away, and I needed desperately to pour out my heart to someone who knew it all and saw it all.
I knew, as Gloria Gather put it, "We have this moment to hold in our hand, and to touch as it slips through our fingers like sand. Yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never come....
But we have this moment today."
I treasured every "today." I could only keep them forever as memories.
And so, I wrote.
Someday, I desperately want to share that journal with young mothers who are now living what I lived. As an older woman, I now have SO much encouragement to offer them!
It was during these days in which I lost myself...
That I truly found myself!
These were the sweetest days of my life...
Batter Up!
...." You shall be called a repairer of the breech." Is.58:12
There just comes a time in one's life when you know it's "Batter Up"!!! "You're On!" You were born for such a time as this. If you're ever gonna make a difference in this world for eternity, now is your moment. It's time to walk in a power that is not your own; to speak forth words that are true and living and powerful and piercing...right down to the souls of men! It's time to clothe yourself with kindness and truth and zeal as your cloak!!! It's time to put away lame and worldly visions. This world and all it contains is passing away and will soon be gone. There is another kingdom that will soon overtake us. We best be about the business of campaigning for it! Onward, Christian soldiers! You're up to bat! Make it count......
There just comes a time in one's life when you know it's "Batter Up"!!! "You're On!" You were born for such a time as this. If you're ever gonna make a difference in this world for eternity, now is your moment. It's time to walk in a power that is not your own; to speak forth words that are true and living and powerful and piercing...right down to the souls of men! It's time to clothe yourself with kindness and truth and zeal as your cloak!!! It's time to put away lame and worldly visions. This world and all it contains is passing away and will soon be gone. There is another kingdom that will soon overtake us. We best be about the business of campaigning for it! Onward, Christian soldiers! You're up to bat! Make it count......
Love Grows in Obsurity
June 9,2016
This morning I read the story of Mary and the alabaster box of costly perfume she poured out on the feet of Jesus, washing his feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. This lady was clearly desperate for Him! I get the feeling that there would have been nothing too costly for her,
nothing too humiliating, nothing that could have restrained her complete and total abandonment to Him.
But I can't help but notice all the obscurity in the story...
-Who was Simon, the leper? It would appear from a synopsis of the gospels that he might have been family to Mary...perhaps her brother or her father?
But it was he who said in his heart condemning words of her. "If Jesus knew what sort of woman she is...."
Don't think for a minute that it would be impossible for a family member to be so unforgiving!
Simon, "the leper", a Pharisee, whose home this story is set in, had clearly been healed of leprosy or else he would not have lived in the city nor would there have been a public gathering at his home. If he was the father or brother of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary and had seen Lazarus raised from the dead and had been healed of leprosy himself, you'd have thought that HE would have certainly been right beside Mary pouring out costly perfume at Jesus' feet.
There's really a lot about this story that leaves me scratching my head...
But I strongly suspect this...that there's something far more behind the scenes than we are completely aware of...
Which I think is significant and maybe intentional, for learning to love Jesus happens in obscurity.
Is there not always something more behind the scenes in the life of a person who is just clearly uninhibited in their love for Jesus;
who pour out all they are and have at his feet;
whose emotions spill out like streams of water;
Who use every part of THEMSELVES to minister love to Him?
Had she experienced more rejection than we could ever comprehend?
Had past immorality seized her as a direct consequence of her great, great emotional need?
Had she lived her entire life searching in vain for one who would value her and give her dignity?
How deeply had she hurt?
And how completely had Jesus healed her wounds?
We only know that something bigger than we're told had seized her heart and caused her to love Jesus with utter abandonment; that "we don't know (Oh, we really don't know!) the cost of the oil in her alabaster box."
I don't know what she'd been through, but there's no doubt that life had broken her and that Jesus had put her back together!
We don't know how very, very much that was worth to her because we don't know her whole story.
Someday I want to hear her whole story!
Someday I want to hear YOURS...
Because I think there's way more to it than meets the eye...
"And I've come to pour
My praise on Him
Like oil from Mary's alabaster box
Don't be angry if I wash his feet with my tears
And I dry them with my hair
You weren't there the night He found me
You did not feel what I felt
When he wrapped his love all around me and
You don't know the cost of the oil
In my alabaster box."
This morning I read the story of Mary and the alabaster box of costly perfume she poured out on the feet of Jesus, washing his feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. This lady was clearly desperate for Him! I get the feeling that there would have been nothing too costly for her,
nothing too humiliating, nothing that could have restrained her complete and total abandonment to Him.
But I can't help but notice all the obscurity in the story...
-Who was Simon, the leper? It would appear from a synopsis of the gospels that he might have been family to Mary...perhaps her brother or her father?
But it was he who said in his heart condemning words of her. "If Jesus knew what sort of woman she is...."
Don't think for a minute that it would be impossible for a family member to be so unforgiving!
Simon, "the leper", a Pharisee, whose home this story is set in, had clearly been healed of leprosy or else he would not have lived in the city nor would there have been a public gathering at his home. If he was the father or brother of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary and had seen Lazarus raised from the dead and had been healed of leprosy himself, you'd have thought that HE would have certainly been right beside Mary pouring out costly perfume at Jesus' feet.
There's really a lot about this story that leaves me scratching my head...
But I strongly suspect this...that there's something far more behind the scenes than we are completely aware of...
Which I think is significant and maybe intentional, for learning to love Jesus happens in obscurity.
Is there not always something more behind the scenes in the life of a person who is just clearly uninhibited in their love for Jesus;
who pour out all they are and have at his feet;
whose emotions spill out like streams of water;
Who use every part of THEMSELVES to minister love to Him?
Had she experienced more rejection than we could ever comprehend?
Had past immorality seized her as a direct consequence of her great, great emotional need?
Had she lived her entire life searching in vain for one who would value her and give her dignity?
How deeply had she hurt?
And how completely had Jesus healed her wounds?
We only know that something bigger than we're told had seized her heart and caused her to love Jesus with utter abandonment; that "we don't know (Oh, we really don't know!) the cost of the oil in her alabaster box."
I don't know what she'd been through, but there's no doubt that life had broken her and that Jesus had put her back together!
We don't know how very, very much that was worth to her because we don't know her whole story.
Someday I want to hear her whole story!
Someday I want to hear YOURS...
Because I think there's way more to it than meets the eye...
"And I've come to pour
My praise on Him
Like oil from Mary's alabaster box
Don't be angry if I wash his feet with my tears
And I dry them with my hair
You weren't there the night He found me
You did not feel what I felt
When he wrapped his love all around me and
You don't know the cost of the oil
In my alabaster box."
My Last Moments with Mama
Four years ago late last night, I would receive a very unexpected call, "Your mother got sick... she is not responding."
I discovered in those days surrounding my Precious Mother's leaving us just exactly where our souls are located in our bodies because mine had a sword through it; a literal physical hurt right in my gut!
This could not be happening. She was SO well just a few days ago.
But this is not a dream...This is real...
The doctor says the bleed is so bad that even if she survived, she would never be the same. I would need to tell him whether or not to remove the ventilator the next morning.
I rejoice that I did not have to make that decision.
The next morning, Mama was already on her way home. I went in and sang to her a song I had written for her 50th birthday; Every word of it.
In her final moments, I laid my head on her chest and her last heart beats beat the words, "I love you, my little girl...." I sensed it with all my heart!
"I know, Mama! I love you, my mommy," I told her!
Her children gathered round her...And she left....
How odd is it that the moment she left, I was filled with great, great JOY!!
The Angels at that moment were escorting my Mother to the place where her faith would become sight! I'm certain that there is no greater legacy that one can leave than the absolute assurance that we truly LOVE Jesus Christ more than anything or anyone on this earth! She did! And she was SEEING her faithful Lord and I was ecstatic for her!
My heart was crying, "Run, Mama! Run! There He is!!!!"
Oh dear Father! How I miss her!!
But let me just tell you....NEVER in my life have I experienced such a supernatural take over of my heart! I could only rejoice because I had just watched our worst enemy, death, be SWALLOWED UP IN VICTORY!!!! Death, where is your victory? Where is your sting???
Even and especially now....We are more than conquerors because of Easter Sunday so many years ago!
My Mama taught me how to live well and how to die well and a million things in between!
I miss you so terribly, my mommy! I'll miss you until it's my turn to come to where you are!
In the meantime...keep on helping Jesus make me some more grand babies!! Y'all are doing great so far!!!!! 👧🏼👶🏼👶🏼👶🏼👍🏻👍🏻😉🙌💝❤️
I discovered in those days surrounding my Precious Mother's leaving us just exactly where our souls are located in our bodies because mine had a sword through it; a literal physical hurt right in my gut!
This could not be happening. She was SO well just a few days ago.
But this is not a dream...This is real...
The doctor says the bleed is so bad that even if she survived, she would never be the same. I would need to tell him whether or not to remove the ventilator the next morning.
I rejoice that I did not have to make that decision.
The next morning, Mama was already on her way home. I went in and sang to her a song I had written for her 50th birthday; Every word of it.
In her final moments, I laid my head on her chest and her last heart beats beat the words, "I love you, my little girl...." I sensed it with all my heart!
"I know, Mama! I love you, my mommy," I told her!
Her children gathered round her...And she left....
How odd is it that the moment she left, I was filled with great, great JOY!!
The Angels at that moment were escorting my Mother to the place where her faith would become sight! I'm certain that there is no greater legacy that one can leave than the absolute assurance that we truly LOVE Jesus Christ more than anything or anyone on this earth! She did! And she was SEEING her faithful Lord and I was ecstatic for her!
My heart was crying, "Run, Mama! Run! There He is!!!!"
Oh dear Father! How I miss her!!
But let me just tell you....NEVER in my life have I experienced such a supernatural take over of my heart! I could only rejoice because I had just watched our worst enemy, death, be SWALLOWED UP IN VICTORY!!!! Death, where is your victory? Where is your sting???
Even and especially now....We are more than conquerors because of Easter Sunday so many years ago!
My Mama taught me how to live well and how to die well and a million things in between!
I miss you so terribly, my mommy! I'll miss you until it's my turn to come to where you are!
In the meantime...keep on helping Jesus make me some more grand babies!! Y'all are doing great so far!!!!! 👧🏼👶🏼👶🏼👶🏼👍🏻👍🏻😉🙌💝❤️
Monday, July 23, 2018
They Say that Publishing a Book is like giving birth to an Elephant, only harder. We’ll see!
In her book, “ Because He Lives,” Gloria Gaither said, “Ultimately, writers write because they have no choice. Even if no one ever read or praised or bought her writing, a writer would have to write.”
Most of what I’ve written or journaled or put to music will never be read by others. They were just words that bubbled up from my heart onto paper; passions that forced their way out by internal pressure that HAD to find expression!
But for anyone who is interested, this is what’s going on with me now...
Some years ago, after what I consider the darkest period of my life, the Lord took me aside, away from the ministry I had done for years, and it was then that He taught me the deep, inner meaning of His covenant love; what it means to have a covenant partner who has my back always....whose love is merciful and unconditional and longs to show itself in acts of kindness...
Faithful love... love that is right there even when it has every reason not to be!
It changed my life forever!
What it did to me could never in a million years have been contained!
It began to flow out of my heart onto paper...
And it became a 12 week Bible study;
“Jesus, It was Always You; A Study of the Love of God as Revealed Through His Covenants.”
I began to teach it...
I’ve taught it to young people and women. Over 300 women have done the study now.
Every single time, the women tell me the same thing...
That it changed their lives just like it did mine; that every Christian should do this study.
That’s why I’m going to a writers conference this week. I have appointments with two publishers.
I have no earthly idea what I’m doing! I write! I don’t sell!
Some of the publishers seem to want to publish folks who are fairly well known. I get that. But that I’m not.
Never in my life have I wanted to promote myself or anything I’ve done. But folks, I tell you with every fiber of my being that I KNOW where this study came from! It has NOTHING to do with me! NOTHING! He filled me up and it just bubbled out.
So... my opinion, and I reckon everybody’s got one, is that those publishers would be wise to take this thing! The fruit it’s borne speaks for itself!
But hey, y’all!
It’s GOD’S and I’m GOD’S and He can do whatever He wants to with what is His.
Having a book published will not make me a writer. I AM a writer! It would not validate me...
My covenant partner’s already done a fine job of that!
If my study is refused, it will not invalidate me.
I’m just a simple girl that is loved WAAAY BIG!
So that’s the story....
And I’ll be back soon with “the rest of the story.”
Sunday, July 22, 2018
I Want This Witness!!!
"By faith, Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death; AND HE WAS NOT FOUND BECAUSE GOD TOOK HIM UP; for he obtained the witness that before his being taken up, he was pleasing to God.
And without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that HE IS and that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Heb. 11:5-6
Why on earth would I choose these verses as some of my favorites? I might have to say that this whole chapter is one of my favorites.
The folks in this chapter are the real deal; the creme de la creme, sold out, the whole route, the over the top that the world can't stop;
these folks are RADICALLY SAVED!
Not a wimpy one among them!
And they put me to utter shame!
They are written up in the "hall of faith" because they just trusted God; they believed Him even when it made absolutely no sense.
And that pleased God.
Whoa now...before you shake your head and wonder why God would "play games" with folks.
What do YOU want most from YOUR children? You want them to trust you, right? I mean, you've been around the block a few times. You know they won't always understand but "JUST TRUST ME," you say! It's not a's LOVE!
My thing is that somewhere deep inside me.....I WANT TO BE AMONG THEIR NUMBER; one who proved my trust in Him by radical obedience; one that cared not what others thought, but cared deeply about lining up under HIS trustworthy command!
I, like Enoch, want to obtain the witness that I pleased God!
I want a 41st verse...
"By faith, Bonnie.....
And without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that HE IS and that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Heb. 11:5-6
Why on earth would I choose these verses as some of my favorites? I might have to say that this whole chapter is one of my favorites.
The folks in this chapter are the real deal; the creme de la creme, sold out, the whole route, the over the top that the world can't stop;
these folks are RADICALLY SAVED!
Not a wimpy one among them!
And they put me to utter shame!
They are written up in the "hall of faith" because they just trusted God; they believed Him even when it made absolutely no sense.
And that pleased God.
Whoa now...before you shake your head and wonder why God would "play games" with folks.
What do YOU want most from YOUR children? You want them to trust you, right? I mean, you've been around the block a few times. You know they won't always understand but "JUST TRUST ME," you say! It's not a's LOVE!
My thing is that somewhere deep inside me.....I WANT TO BE AMONG THEIR NUMBER; one who proved my trust in Him by radical obedience; one that cared not what others thought, but cared deeply about lining up under HIS trustworthy command!
I, like Enoch, want to obtain the witness that I pleased God!
I want a 41st verse...
"By faith, Bonnie.....
Single Handed Savior
Someday I'm going to tell the entire story of my life...but until then, hear THIS loud and clear; JESUS CHRIST totally, unequivocally, without ANY question, completely, and single handedly SAVED MY LIFE!!! I am nothing short of a miracle of amazing grace and I will marvel until the day I die.....and then forever!
Life’s Little Moments
One of "Bibby's Blessings" sent to my children:
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12
On our trip to Israel, we sat beside a family who had a little boy, about 3 yo I think. Both parents looked exhausted and preoccupied. As the plane ascended, the mother put her head on the headrest and closed her tired eyes, the dad took out a newspaper, and the little boy stared out the window.
As the plane went higher and higher, the child tried desperately to get the attention of his parents. "MOMMY!! DADDY!!!" he said several times....all to no avail. Both parents remaining oblivious, he finally blurted out his question to anyone who would hear him, " Is that the wooold ?"
His mommy and daddy missed it.
He was overcome with the fascination and wonder of seeing the "woooold" from a whole new perspective and they missed it.
It broke my heart for them bc they will never know what they missed.
Life is so full of little moments. My prayer for you, my beloved ones is that you, like the little boy will continue all your lives to be overcome with the wonders of life and that as much as is humanly possible, you will never miss the sweet moments that come and then are gone forever, only to live on in your memory.
"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12
On our trip to Israel, we sat beside a family who had a little boy, about 3 yo I think. Both parents looked exhausted and preoccupied. As the plane ascended, the mother put her head on the headrest and closed her tired eyes, the dad took out a newspaper, and the little boy stared out the window.
As the plane went higher and higher, the child tried desperately to get the attention of his parents. "MOMMY!! DADDY!!!" he said several times....all to no avail. Both parents remaining oblivious, he finally blurted out his question to anyone who would hear him, " Is that the wooold ?"
His mommy and daddy missed it.
He was overcome with the fascination and wonder of seeing the "woooold" from a whole new perspective and they missed it.
It broke my heart for them bc they will never know what they missed.
Life is so full of little moments. My prayer for you, my beloved ones is that you, like the little boy will continue all your lives to be overcome with the wonders of life and that as much as is humanly possible, you will never miss the sweet moments that come and then are gone forever, only to live on in your memory.
The Old Toy Chest
⚠️ Long, sappy post!
Ok, so I’ve done a lot of these lately. Have mercy! I’m still stuck at home trying my darndest to recover from back surgery so let me do what I do... write! 🙏🏻
I’ve spent the afternoon cleaning out my boy’s rooms, mostly going through the old toy chest that has been stowed away in Jonathan’s closet all these years. (Well, that’s embarrassing !)
Every time Blake came in the room, I’d be sitting there boo-hooing, he’d tear up too, and I’d ask, “Why is all this stuff making me do this?”
“It’s just a lot of sweet memories,” he’d say as he left the room trying to hide that it was getting to him almost as much as it was to me.
Maybe I just miss those little rough neck boys.
Don’t get me wrong!!!!
I don’t want ‘em back! 😬
I wouldn’t trade who they are today for the whole wide world!
But I MIGHT almost give the world just to hold those baby boys and stroke their hair for just ONE little moment again!
You know what?
They never will know how much I loved them then....
Or how much I love them now...
And maybe that hurts a little bit...
Oh that they could REALLY know!!!
So, as I’m rummaging through that mess, y’all, I found link after link of that old snake skin they’ve had forever.
What’s so stupid is that I CANNOT throw it away!
I found caps they had on their noggin’s for what seems to me since the day they were born...
now, just......
hanging there.
I found an old softball that was so beat up from use, it was nearly black with all it’s “scars.”
I found a box of the model cars that David had meticulously built and painted when he was so young. I couldn’t help but think how normal that seemed to me then, but now....
I’m finding myself admiring that kid who loved spending his time doing such constructive things...
And thinking that I sure was blessed to get such a kid!
I found that old set of spurs that Jonathan wore in the Leon Leord oil portrait that hangs on my wall to this day. Sweet kid wore those things all the time!
I found “homework” that they’d done in our homeschool years....
Why was THAT in their TOY chest? 🤷🏼♀️
Wow! They sure were smart!
Oh!! And the Batman outfits....
And the guns...
And that old roped belt that Jonathan kept his holster on!
It seemed that everything I picked up made me smile with the thought, “I remember that thing!”
And I held them and soaked the memory of them into my soul for a moment...
And the tears flowed!
I thought about so many of you girls out there that have those growing babies still at home.
You don’t even know that someday you’ll be rummaging through the things that your kids are wearing or putting together or playing with right this second.
And your kids will be through with them...
And they’ll just be there...
With no one to love them anymore.
Except you will!
Oh how you will!!
Stop whatever you’re doing now and look...
NOTHING matters more!
Please don’t let one moment get lost in the whirlwind of life!
As I told my Ivey a few days ago, “Just stop....
You’ve got about 2 more minutes till they’re gone. I promise you it will seem that way!”
So drop whatever you have to and pay attention!
The minutes turn into hours...
The hours turn into days...
The days turn into years...
And in literally what will seem to you like 2 minutes, your house will be filled with boxes and closets full of memories and no one to love them...
but you....
Like only a Momma will ever understand.
I wish you as many memories as I have!
And I hope they’re just as sweet!
Ok, so I’ve done a lot of these lately. Have mercy! I’m still stuck at home trying my darndest to recover from back surgery so let me do what I do... write! 🙏🏻
I’ve spent the afternoon cleaning out my boy’s rooms, mostly going through the old toy chest that has been stowed away in Jonathan’s closet all these years. (Well, that’s embarrassing !)
Every time Blake came in the room, I’d be sitting there boo-hooing, he’d tear up too, and I’d ask, “Why is all this stuff making me do this?”
“It’s just a lot of sweet memories,” he’d say as he left the room trying to hide that it was getting to him almost as much as it was to me.
Maybe I just miss those little rough neck boys.
Don’t get me wrong!!!!
I don’t want ‘em back! 😬
I wouldn’t trade who they are today for the whole wide world!
But I MIGHT almost give the world just to hold those baby boys and stroke their hair for just ONE little moment again!
You know what?
They never will know how much I loved them then....
Or how much I love them now...
And maybe that hurts a little bit...
Oh that they could REALLY know!!!
So, as I’m rummaging through that mess, y’all, I found link after link of that old snake skin they’ve had forever.
What’s so stupid is that I CANNOT throw it away!
I found caps they had on their noggin’s for what seems to me since the day they were born...
now, just......
hanging there.
I found an old softball that was so beat up from use, it was nearly black with all it’s “scars.”
I found a box of the model cars that David had meticulously built and painted when he was so young. I couldn’t help but think how normal that seemed to me then, but now....
I’m finding myself admiring that kid who loved spending his time doing such constructive things...
And thinking that I sure was blessed to get such a kid!
I found that old set of spurs that Jonathan wore in the Leon Leord oil portrait that hangs on my wall to this day. Sweet kid wore those things all the time!
I found “homework” that they’d done in our homeschool years....
Why was THAT in their TOY chest? 🤷🏼♀️
Wow! They sure were smart!
Oh!! And the Batman outfits....
And the guns...
And that old roped belt that Jonathan kept his holster on!
It seemed that everything I picked up made me smile with the thought, “I remember that thing!”
And I held them and soaked the memory of them into my soul for a moment...
And the tears flowed!
I thought about so many of you girls out there that have those growing babies still at home.
You don’t even know that someday you’ll be rummaging through the things that your kids are wearing or putting together or playing with right this second.
And your kids will be through with them...
And they’ll just be there...
With no one to love them anymore.
Except you will!
Oh how you will!!
Stop whatever you’re doing now and look...
NOTHING matters more!
Please don’t let one moment get lost in the whirlwind of life!
As I told my Ivey a few days ago, “Just stop....
You’ve got about 2 more minutes till they’re gone. I promise you it will seem that way!”
So drop whatever you have to and pay attention!
The minutes turn into hours...
The hours turn into days...
The days turn into years...
And in literally what will seem to you like 2 minutes, your house will be filled with boxes and closets full of memories and no one to love them...
but you....
Like only a Momma will ever understand.
I wish you as many memories as I have!
And I hope they’re just as sweet!
Bo Wilson
Let me tell y'all about my Bo.
He was a beautiful black lab with a big diamond of white on his neck. We got him as a pup soon after Jemima died.
Jemima was my protector. She'd just as soon bite you as look at you. I'm talking a defender of her territory! I'm pretty sure she saved us from an attempted break in one Christmas Eve when Blake wasn't home and somebody out there in a big blue van might have some scars to prove it. But that's another story...
Bo was in every way opposite of Jemima. From the day we got him as a pup, he had anxiety issues. I always thought he'd grow out of that when he learned how loved he was but he never did. That's why I wanted to name him "Wilson" after the one on "Home Improvement." You know....the guy that was always hiding behind the fence?
The kids wanted to name him Bo so I named him Bo Wilson. That's a pretty good name around FP, don't ya think? 😉
Turns out, my Bo probably wasn't the sharpest tack in the tool shed. He never ever learned to poop in the grass. Usually it was on the deck around the pool or one morning before my ladies Bible study, he left the ladies a big fat present right at the front door. 💩 "Howdy!"
The grandbabies loved "Bo Bo" as they called him. They loved to chase him and Bo loved to play hard to get.
When Hallie was a baby, she loved for me to tell her bedtime stories about how Bo Bo liked to water the bushes. 🙉🙈 I know, I'm a really cool grandmother, right? 😂😂😂
We had Bo for 13 years I think. He got old so fast....seems like he should still be a young thing!
Bo died yesterday, probably just of old age.
My tender, loving son, David came to bury him last evening. Because I'm unable to get out of bed, I didn't get to tell Bo goodbye but Blake came in afterwards with a most reflective look on his face.
He asked me, "Where in the Bible does it say, 'The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof?" That's Psalm 24, I told him. So he opened his Bible and began to read out loud. He wept as he read.
"What's up, honey?" I asked.
So he began to give me a play by play of the whole burial he'd just witnessed.
"David laid Bo in the front loader of the tractor and took him down to where he was going to bury him. He laid him down gently on the ground beside where he was about to start digging. Before he started, a big beautiful orange and black butterfly came and lit on Bo's nose. As David began, I thought surely that the butterfly would fly away but it didn't. It sat right there with its wings gently fluttering the entire 12-15 minutes or so that it took David to dig the grave. Never moved away."
"Are you kidding me," I asked!
"No! I kept looking around to see if there were any other butterflies anywhere around. None! Anywhere! I mean, the timing, the place where it lighted, everything about it was just so seemingly orchestrated!"
"Well then, David finished and got off the tractor to put Bo in the scoop and the butterfly flew away. He laid Bo down so softly in his grave and just as he did, the butterfly came back and lighted right where Bo's body had been, as if he were watching the burial. David began to scoop little bits of dirt at a time, slowly covering Bo's body and then packing it down. That butterfly stayed there for the whole entire thing."
Blake said he was thinking 3 things: 1. "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." "He even tells the butterflies where to land and for how long."
2. "All dogs go to heaven"
3. "I thought about that magnet you used to have that said, 'Just when the caterpillar thought his life was over, he became a butterfly.'"
I don't know how or IF that even speaks to you but it sure did to us.
Bo Wilson, goodbye for now, sweet pup. I hope you got your wings yesterday!
There's a really sweet GOD out there who knows and cares when a sparrow falls to the earth.
I'm so glad I know Him!
He was a beautiful black lab with a big diamond of white on his neck. We got him as a pup soon after Jemima died.
Jemima was my protector. She'd just as soon bite you as look at you. I'm talking a defender of her territory! I'm pretty sure she saved us from an attempted break in one Christmas Eve when Blake wasn't home and somebody out there in a big blue van might have some scars to prove it. But that's another story...
Bo was in every way opposite of Jemima. From the day we got him as a pup, he had anxiety issues. I always thought he'd grow out of that when he learned how loved he was but he never did. That's why I wanted to name him "Wilson" after the one on "Home Improvement." You know....the guy that was always hiding behind the fence?
The kids wanted to name him Bo so I named him Bo Wilson. That's a pretty good name around FP, don't ya think? 😉
Turns out, my Bo probably wasn't the sharpest tack in the tool shed. He never ever learned to poop in the grass. Usually it was on the deck around the pool or one morning before my ladies Bible study, he left the ladies a big fat present right at the front door. 💩 "Howdy!"
The grandbabies loved "Bo Bo" as they called him. They loved to chase him and Bo loved to play hard to get.
When Hallie was a baby, she loved for me to tell her bedtime stories about how Bo Bo liked to water the bushes. 🙉🙈 I know, I'm a really cool grandmother, right? 😂😂😂
We had Bo for 13 years I think. He got old so fast....seems like he should still be a young thing!
Bo died yesterday, probably just of old age.
My tender, loving son, David came to bury him last evening. Because I'm unable to get out of bed, I didn't get to tell Bo goodbye but Blake came in afterwards with a most reflective look on his face.
He asked me, "Where in the Bible does it say, 'The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof?" That's Psalm 24, I told him. So he opened his Bible and began to read out loud. He wept as he read.
"What's up, honey?" I asked.
So he began to give me a play by play of the whole burial he'd just witnessed.
"David laid Bo in the front loader of the tractor and took him down to where he was going to bury him. He laid him down gently on the ground beside where he was about to start digging. Before he started, a big beautiful orange and black butterfly came and lit on Bo's nose. As David began, I thought surely that the butterfly would fly away but it didn't. It sat right there with its wings gently fluttering the entire 12-15 minutes or so that it took David to dig the grave. Never moved away."
"Are you kidding me," I asked!
"No! I kept looking around to see if there were any other butterflies anywhere around. None! Anywhere! I mean, the timing, the place where it lighted, everything about it was just so seemingly orchestrated!"
"Well then, David finished and got off the tractor to put Bo in the scoop and the butterfly flew away. He laid Bo down so softly in his grave and just as he did, the butterfly came back and lighted right where Bo's body had been, as if he were watching the burial. David began to scoop little bits of dirt at a time, slowly covering Bo's body and then packing it down. That butterfly stayed there for the whole entire thing."
Blake said he was thinking 3 things: 1. "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." "He even tells the butterflies where to land and for how long."
2. "All dogs go to heaven"
3. "I thought about that magnet you used to have that said, 'Just when the caterpillar thought his life was over, he became a butterfly.'"
I don't know how or IF that even speaks to you but it sure did to us.
Bo Wilson, goodbye for now, sweet pup. I hope you got your wings yesterday!
There's a really sweet GOD out there who knows and cares when a sparrow falls to the earth.
I'm so glad I know Him!
A Short Summation of my Life
The simple testimony of one BFI in a nutshell:
I am not a particularly ambitious person...I just want to love Jesus with all out, complete, crazy abandonment!
I have no desire for self promotion, I just want to love Jesus so much that it causes other's hearts to burn with love and desire for Him.
It matters not in the very least How He uses my life; whether alone on my knees or in some public way, I just want to promote the growth of a Kingdom of people who love Him with every fiber of their being.
It doesn't matter how much I know; it only matters that all I do know of Him, I love immensely!
It doesn't matter what He asks me to do, as long as He lives brightly in the depths of my heart!
I love Him so very, very much now, but I am painfully aware of how much more I COULD love Him!
This is what I live for! To know Him more and love Him supremely! This is my all consuming ambition and THIS is the summation of my life!
I am not a particularly ambitious person...I just want to love Jesus with all out, complete, crazy abandonment!
I have no desire for self promotion, I just want to love Jesus so much that it causes other's hearts to burn with love and desire for Him.
It matters not in the very least How He uses my life; whether alone on my knees or in some public way, I just want to promote the growth of a Kingdom of people who love Him with every fiber of their being.
It doesn't matter how much I know; it only matters that all I do know of Him, I love immensely!
It doesn't matter what He asks me to do, as long as He lives brightly in the depths of my heart!
I love Him so very, very much now, but I am painfully aware of how much more I COULD love Him!
This is what I live for! To know Him more and love Him supremely! This is my all consuming ambition and THIS is the summation of my life!
Wait! I Have a Plan!
JUNE 10, 2016
Many years ago, after having had one very precious son, and having experienced a very emotionally painful miscarriage, Blake and I prayed one night that the Lord might give us another son. His answer to us was, “Wait. I have a plan!” And so, reluctantly we waited. And soon, I conceived and gave birth to a beautiful, charming son with stars in his eyes! And we were so glad that God asked us to wait for THIS child!! For he was the happiest, most captivating little soul, bringing us so much delight, laughter, smiles, and joy!

But then it seems that at about 8 months old God said, “Wait! I have a plan!” And that’s when God decided to infuse into this child a will stronger than iron and a spirit that cried, “Go forth to conquer all!” The extreme measure of both his charm and his mischief caused me to cry out in anguish, “Please tell me Oh God that you did not choose me to be the mother of the Antichrist!” One minute he was hiding under cars playing with matches that I would swear to you did not exist in the house, and the next he was gazing into my eyes, caressing my face, saying thoughtfully and tenderly, “Mama, You’s my queen!” I wrote in my journal that it was a very good thing that this child was so charming or I would surely have sent him back to wherever he came from!!! But God said, “Wait, I have a plan.”
And so we waited as the smiles and charm, together with the strong will to conquer were fused and channeled. And we watched as a man emerged from this child, full of strength, determination, purpose, integrity, character, and undeterred tenacity.
And we were glad we waited instead of putting him back!
He soon grew into a 6’4”, 250 lb. tight end with a vision to assist the AU Tigers in conquering the Bama Elephants and every other team in the nation. And God said, “Okay!”

And so, donning his championship ring, he reached the threshold of his dream to show the world what he could do as an AU Tiger.
But God said, “Wait! I have a plan!” And God infused into him a higher and nobler vision and required him to strip himself of the temporary glory of being a beloved football player for his favorite team on earth for the cause of serving his fellow man with the healing touch of God. He was asked to die to his former dream and to live to God’s. Few will ever know the heart of obedience that was required to lay down a dream that had burned in him since childhood. And obedience won out, the former passion was abundantly replaced with a more solid and enduring passion; to be and do what God had ordained for him.
And so, with his face set like flint, the young man set out to follow the vision and conquer the world of academia. And conquer he did! But it seemed too late, for the schools of medicine were reluctant to take him in. And once more, God said, “Wait! I have a plan!”
So we all waited as his own iron will, indeed his very person was melted down to become soft and pliable and ready for the Potter’s hand. As humility, gentleness, submission, and dependence on the One with the plan were being seared into his being, he continued to study, to teach other students at the university, to pray, and to trust.
Many told him to give up the vision, to teach, to follow a different path. (Did they know who they were talking to??? “Give up”??? to the man whose will is made of iron???) No, he knew that the vision had been implanted within his soul by a greater force than his own mind! And so, he waited. “My confidence is in the Lord,” he said.
Some time before finishing a Master’s Degreee in Bio-Medical Science, he was again denied to the School of Medicine for the 5th time. And once again, God said, “Wait! I have a plan!” And God sent a former AU All-American, NFL star turned physician to hire him to assist in his orthopaedic practice where he would be mentored by the best; where he learned to run a medical office efficiently; where he learned to walk in the shoes of a staff member in a medical practice; where he acquired personal skills that can never be learned in a classroom; where he made friendships that will last a lifetime; where a love for orthopedics grew within him, and most importantly where he met and fell in love with a beautiful young woman who would become his wife.
Yes, God’s “waits” are full of wisdom!
Today, after many years of waiting, working, sacrificing, praying, trusting, humbling himself, and working some more, he is sitting at this moment in a classroom at UAB School of Medicine! Today, God has said, “The wait is over. You have excelled in the classroom of life, now enter into the school of knowledge.”
This wait is over, but if I had my guess, it will not be the last! Oh no! The story of our son’s life has only just begun today.
The full plan is yet to be seen as to what will become of the man who has learned to patiently wait on the Lord. But this we know: ‘They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength! They will mount up with wings as EAGLES!” And for an AU Tiger, it just doesn’t get any better than that!!
Fly high, my son! And may the wind be always beneath your wings!
Written by: Bonnie Isbell
July 30,2012

Addendum: Today, March 17, 2016, Jon Isbell and Callie Wiginton Isbell will attend an Alpha Omega Alpha dinner where he will be honored for having received the highest honor a Med School student can achieve. He knows where all the glory belongs and we are all careful to lay it down at the feet of the One whose plans are always perfect! May his story inspire so many others to wait on the Lord, to trust in Him, and to place their confidence in His plan!
“We can make our plans, but THE LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9
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