He entrusted to me his name and I gave him my supreme devotion to promote his name and his character.
"And they lived happily ever after"?
Not quite. There have been mountains so steep to climb that we'd have given up; except.....The One whom we seek to emulate never gave up on US.
We've failed one another and we've broken each other's hearts. We've both learned to say with utter sincerity, "I was wrong!! Please, please forgive me!" Those words rip your heart out to say them. But there may be no other words in the human language that can endear you to another as much as an honest to God confession (and often a tearful one) that I need mercy here!
We've learned to tap into a love that is not human. It is a love that is patient with the other, it's kind, and not so proud that it can't admit that "I may need to change."
It values the other more than self; it is not easily angered and does not drop eggshells all over the floor!
It forgives and moves on. It protects the other, it has high hopes, and it always perseveres.
This man is the greatest friend I have on this earth. He's always on my side and you better know that I'm on his! If you don't like him, then you don't like me. It's that simple, and visa versa.
He makes me laugh every single day and the older we get, the more I know that I don't ever, ever, ever want to live without him! I want to grow old with him and I want us to die on the same day!
He's been a Rock of safety for me and for our children.
I'm so glad the Lord glued us together with SUPERnatural glue! I love him, folks!
He's my man and I’m his girl!
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